Exploring News Avoidance in the Spanish Hybrid Media Landscape

Laura Pérez Altable, Javier Díaz-Noci


This study investigates the phenomenon of news avoidance in the Spanish context, considering factors such as stress, information overload, media scepticism, and political polarisation that contribute to this behaviour. Utilising a focus group methodology, this study explores the complexities of news avoidance in supportive and non-judgmental settings. The study acknowledges the significant decline in news interest in Spain and the nation's socio-political dynamics as influential factors. These findings have implications for media literacy education, journalism, and understanding the role of the media in shaping public opinion. Furthermore, this study provides insights into countries facing similar challenges in their media landscapes. By uncovering the underlying reasons for news avoidance, this study has implications in various fields, including journalism, communication, and political science, to enhance democratic participation and informed decision-making.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7203/drdcd.v0i9.273

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